The SPECIAL COMPONENTS library consists of the following 6 generic components:
- bcd_ss: BCD to Seven-Segment encoder
- hex_ss: HEX to Seven-Segment encoder
- nrz_hdb3: NRZ to HDB3 encoder (NRZ : Non-Return to Zero, HDB3 : High Density Bipolar 3)
- hdb3_nrz: HDB3 to NRZ encoder (NRZ : Non-Return to Zero, HDB3 : High Density Bipolar 3)
- bcdN_bin: N-digits BCD to binary converter with error flag in conversion
- bin_bcdN: Binary to N-digits BCD converter with error flag in conversion
The SPECIAL COMPONENTS library can be verified with this testbench: test_special
- special.vhd
-- ############################################################################ -- # Project : Leonardo CBT-Kernel # -- # # -- # Filename : special.vhd # -- # # -- # Component : bcd_ss : BCD to Seven-Segment encoder. # -- # # -- # Model : rtl # -- # # -- # Designer : S. Theoharis,N. Zervas # -- # Institute : VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras # -- # Date : 01.05.1999 # -- ############################################################################ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; -- bcd_ss Entity Description entity bcd_ss is port( Din: in unsigned(3 downto 0); EN, L: in std_ulogic; a, b, c, d, e, f, g: out std_ulogic -------------------- -- -- -- a -- -- f |-| b -- -- e,g |-| c -- -- - -- -- d -- -- -- -------------------- ); end bcd_ss; -- bcd_ss Architecture Description architecture rtl of bcd_ss is signal l_d: unsigned(3 downto 0) :="0000"; signal error : std_ulogic; begin Decoder_Process: process (Din, l_d, EN, L) begin if L='1' then l_d<=Din; end if; end process Decoder_Process; error <= '1' WHEN (l_d>="1010" or EN='0') ELSE '0'; a <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0001" or l_d="0100" or error='1') ELSE '1'; b <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0101" or l_d="0110" or error='1') ELSE '1'; c <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0010" or error='1') ELSE '1'; d <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0001" or l_d="0100" or l_d="0111" or error='1') ELSE '1'; e <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0001" or l_d="0011" or l_d="0100" or l_d="0101" or l_d="0111" or l_d="1001" or error='1') ELSE '1'; f <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0001" or l_d="0010" or l_d="0011" or l_d="0111" or error='1') ELSE '1'; g <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0000" or l_d="0001" or l_d="0111" or error='1') ELSE '1'; end rtl;
- special.vhd
-- ############################################################################ -- # Project : Leonardo CBT-Kernel # -- # # -- # Filename : special.vhd # -- # # -- # Component : hex_ss : HEX to Seven Segment encoder. # -- # # -- # Model : rtl # -- # # -- # Designer : S. Theoharis,N. Zervas # -- # Institute : VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras # -- # Date : 01.05.1999 # -- ############################################################################ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; -- hex_ss Entity Description entity hex_ss is port( Din: in unsigned(3 downto 0); EN, L: in std_ulogic; a, b, c, d, e, f, g: out std_ulogic -------------------- -- -- -- a -- -- f |-| b -- -- e,g |-| c -- -- - -- -- d -- -- -- -------------------- ); end hex_ss; -- hex_ss Architecture Description architecture rtl of hex_ss is signal l_d: unsigned(3 downto 0) :="0000"; signal error : std_ulogic; begin Decoder_Process: process (Din, l_d, EN, L) begin if L='1' then l_d<=Din; end if; end process Decoder_Process; error <= not EN; a <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0001" or l_d="0100" or l_d="1011" or l_d="1101" or error='1') ELSE '1'; b <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0101" or l_d="0110" or l_d="1011" or l_d="1100" or l_d="1110" or l_d="1111" or error='1') ELSE '1'; c <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0010" or l_d="1100" or l_d="1110" or l_d="1111" or error='1') ELSE '1'; d <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0001" or l_d="0100" or l_d="0111" or l_d="1001" or l_d="1010" or l_d="1111" or error='1') ELSE '1'; e <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0001" or l_d="0011" or l_d="0100" or l_d="0101" or l_d="0111" or l_d="1001" or error='1') ELSE '1'; f <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0001" or l_d="0010" or l_d="0011" or l_d="0111" or l_d="1101" or error='1') ELSE '1'; g <= '0' WHEN (l_d="0000" or l_d="0001" or l_d="0111" or l_d="1100" or error='1') ELSE '1'; end rtl;
- special.vhd
-- ############################################################################ -- # Project : Leonardo CBT-Kernel # -- # # -- # Filename : special.vhd # -- # # -- # Component : nrz_hdb3 : NRZ to HDB3 encoder (NRZ : Non-Return to Zero,# -- # HDB3 : High Density Bipolar 3). # -- # # -- # Model : rtl # -- # # -- # Designer : S. Theoharis,N. Zervas # -- # Institute : VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras # -- # Date : 01.05.1999 # -- ############################################################################ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; -- nrz_hdb3 Entity Description entity nrz_hdb3 is port( RES, CLK, NRZ: in std_ulogic; POS, NEG: out std_ulogic ); end nrz_hdb3; -- nrz_hdb3 Architecture Description architecture rtl of nrz_hdb3 is signal q: unsigned(3 downto 0); signal zero, vl, ch, pos_neg, qzh: std_ulogic; begin ch<=vl xor pos_neg; zero<=not(q(3) or q(2) or q(1) or q(0)); qzh<=q(3) or (zero and ch); POS<=CLK and pos_neg and qzh; NEG<=CLK and not(pos_neg) and qzh; NRZ_Process:process(CLK, RES) begin if (RES='0') then q<=(OTHERS=>'0'); vl<='0'; pos_neg<='1'; elsif (rising_edge(CLK)) then q(0)<=NRZ; q(1)<=(q(0) or zero); q(3 downto 2)<=q(2 downto 1); if (zero='1') then vl<=not(vl); end if; if(((zero and (not(ch))) or q(3)) = '1') then pos_neg<=not(pos_neg); end if; end if; end process NRZ_Process; end rtl;
- special.vhd
-- ############################################################################ -- # Project : Leonardo CBT-Kernel # -- # # -- # Filename : special.vhd # -- # # -- # Component : hdb3_nrz : HDB3 to NRZ encoder. # -- # # -- # Model : rtl # -- # # -- # Designer : S. Theoharis,N. Zervas # -- # Institute : VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras # -- # Date : 01.05.1999 # -- ############################################################################ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; -- hdb3_nrz Entity Description entity hdb3_nrz is port( RES, CLK, POS, NEG: in std_ulogic; NRZ, ERR: out std_ulogic ); end hdb3_nrz; -- hdb3_nrz Architecture Description architecture rtl of hdb3_nrz is signal s: unsigned(2 downto 0); signal o_pos, o_neg, q, vln: std_ulogic; begin vln<=((o_pos and q) or (o_neg and (not(q)))); NRZ<=(s(2) and (not(vln))); ERR<=(((not(s(0))) and (not(s(1))) and vln) or (not(vln))); HDB3_Process:process(CLK, RES) begin if (RES='0') then s<=(OTHERS=>'0'); o_pos<='0'; o_neg<='0'; q<='0'; elsif (rising_edge(CLK)) then o_pos<=POS; o_neg<=NEG; s(0)<=((o_pos or o_neg) and (not(vln))); s(2 downto 1)<=s(1 downto 0); q<=(o_pos or (q and (not(o_neg)))); end if; end process HDB3_Process; end rtl;
- special.vhd
-- ############################################################################ -- # Project : Leonardo CBT-Kernel # -- # # -- # Filename : special.vhd # -- # # -- # Component : bcdX_bin : X-digits BCD to binary converter with # -- # error output. # -- # # -- # Model : rtl # -- # # -- # Designer : S. Theoharis,N. Zervas # -- # Institute : VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras # -- # Date : 01.05.1999 # -- ############################################################################ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; ENTITY bcdX_bin IS GENERIC(X : integer := 2); PORT( D: IN unsigned((3*X+1) DOWNTO 0); Q: OUT unsigned((4*X-1) DOWNTO 0); E: OUT std_ulogic ); END bcdX_bin; -- bcNx_bin Architecture Description ARCHITECTURE rtl OF bcdx_bin IS CONSTANT N: integer :=4*X; -- width of D in bits CONSTANT M: integer :=X; -- width of D in bcd digits BEGIN Convert_Process:process(D) VARIABLE p: unsigned(N+3 DOWNTO 0); VARIABLE error: std_ulogic:='0'; BEGIN p:=Conv_Unsigned(0, N) & D(N-1 DOWNTO N-4); error:='0'; if (D(N-1 DOWNTO N-4)>="1010") then error:='1'; END if; FOR i IN M-2 DOWNTO 0 loop if (d((i*4)+3 downto i*4)>"1010") then error:='1'; END if; p:=p(N-1 downto 0) * "1010" + Conv_Unsigned(Conv_Integer(('0' & d((i*4)+3 DOWNTO (i*4))),0),N+4); END loop; Q<=p(N-1 downto 0); E<=error; END process Convert_Process; END rtl;
- special.vhd
-- ############################################################################ -- # Project : Leonardo CBT-Kernel # -- # # -- # Filename : special.vhd # -- # # -- # Component : bin_bcdX : Binary to X-digits BCD converter with # -- # error output. # -- # # -- # Model : rtl # -- # # -- # Designer : S. Theoharis,N. Zervas # -- # Institute : VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras # -- # Date : 01.05.1999 # -- ############################################################################ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; -- bin_bcdX Entity Description ENTITY bin_bcdX IS GENERIC(X : integer := 2); PORT( D: IN unsigned((4*X-1) DOWNTO 0); Q: OUT unsigned((3*X+1) DOWNTO 0); E: OUT std_ulogic ); end bin_bcdx; -- bin_bcdx Architecture Description ARCHITECTURE rtl OF bin_bcdX IS CONSTANT N: integer :=3*X+2; -- length of input in bits CONSTANT M: integer :=X; -- length of output in BCD digits BEGIN Convert_Process:process(D) VARIABLE r: unsigned(N+3 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN r:=(OTHERS=>'0'); IF D(N-1 DOWNTO N-3)>"100" THEN r(3 DOWNTO 0):=('0' & D(N-1 DOWNTO N-3)) + "0011"; ELSE r(3 DOWNTO 0):='0' & D(N-1 DOWNTO N-3); END IF; FOR i IN 0 TO N-5 loop r:=r(r'LEFT-1 DOWNTO 0) & D(N-4-i); FOR j IN 0 TO M-1 loop IF j*3<i+2 THEN IF r((j*4)+3 DOWNTO j*4)>"0100" THEN r((j*4)+3 DOWNTO j*4):=r((j*4)+3 DOWNTO j*4) + "0011"; END IF; END IF; END loop; END loop; r:=r(r'LEFT-1 DOWNTO 0) & D(0); Q<=r((4*M)-1 DOWNTO 0); IF Conv_Integer(r(r'LEFT DOWNTO 4*M),0)/=0 THEN E<='1'; ELSE E<='0'; END IF; END PROCESS Convert_Process; END rtl;
- test_special.vhd
-- ############################################################################ -- # Project : Leonardo CBT-Kernel # -- # # -- # Filename : test_special.vhd # -- # # -- # Component : test_special : Test bench for various special components.# -- # # -- # Model : rtl # -- # # -- # Designer : S. Theoharis,N. Zervas # -- # Institute : VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras # -- # Date : 01.05.1999 # -- ############################################################################ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use work.useful_functions.ALL; ENTITY test_special IS END test_special; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF test_special IS COMPONENT dec_2 GENERIC(x : INTEGER := 2); PORT( D: IN unsigned((3*x+1) DOWNTO 0); Q: OUT unsigned((4*x-1) DOWNTO 0); E: OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT dec_1 GENERIC(x : INTEGER := 2); PORT( D: IN unsigned((4*x-1) DOWNTO 0); Q: OUT unsigned((3*x+1) DOWNTO 0); E: OUT std_ulogic ); END COMPONENT; FOR dec1 : dec_1 USE ENTITY WORK.bcdx_bin(rtl); FOR dec2 : dec_2 USE ENTITY WORK.bin_bcdx(rtl); SIGNAL bcd_input : unsigned (7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL bcd_output : unsigned (7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL bin_output : unsigned (7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL error1 : std_ulogic; SIGNAL error2 : std_ulogic; BEGIN dec1: dec_1 GENERIC MAP(x => 2) PORT MAP( D => bcd_input, Q => bin_output, E => error1); dec2: dec_2 GENERIC MAP(x => 2) PORT MAP ( D => bin_output, Q => bcd_output, E => error2); bcd_input <= "01010001" AFTER 100 ns, "00010101" AFTER 200 ns, "11010001" AFTER 300 ns, "00000001" AFTER 400 ns; END rtl;