
MUXERs library

The MUXERs library consists of the following 1 generic component:

  • mux_N_W: N-input multiplexer, with W-bits for each input

The MUXERs library can be verified with this testbench: test_muxers

-- ############################################################################
-- # Project    :    Leonardo CBT-Kernel                                      #
-- #                                                                          #
-- # Filename   :    muxers.vhd                                               #
-- #                                                                          #
-- # Component  :    muxN_W : N input multiplexer with W bits for each inputs.#
-- #                                                                          #
-- # Model      :    rtl                                                      #
-- #                                                                          #
-- # Designer   :    S. Theoharis,N. Zervas                                   #
-- # Institute  :    VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras                   #
-- # Date       :    01.05.1999                                               #
-- ############################################################################
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.useful_functions.all;
-- muxN_W Entity Description
entity muxN_W is
   generic(N: INTEGER := 4; -- Number of input words
           W: INTEGER := 1);-- Word Width
      INP: in stdv_2d(N-1 downto 0,W-1 downto 0);
      SEL: in std_ulogic_vector(log2(N)-1 downto 0);
      DOUT: out std_ulogic_vector(W-1 downto 0)
end muxN_W;
-- muxN_W Architecture Description
architecture rtl of muxN_W is
   muxN_W_Process: process(INP,SEL)
      variable SEL_integer : integer range 0 to N-1;
      SEL_integer := Conv_Integer('0' & SEL,0);
      for i IN W-1 downto 0 loop
        -- Assign outputs
        DOUT(i) <= INP(SEL_integer,i);
      end loop;       
   end process muxN_W_Process;
end rtl;
-- ############################################################################
-- # Project    :    Leonardo CBT-Kernel                                      #
-- #                                                                          #
-- # Filename   :    test_muxers.vhd                                          #
-- #                                                                          #
-- # Component  :    test_muxN_W : Test bench for an N input multiplexer with #
-- #                               W bits for each inputs.                    #
-- #                                                                          #
-- # Model      :    rtl                                                      #
-- #                                                                          #
-- # Designer   :    S. Theoharis,N. Zervas                                   #
-- # Institute  :    VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras                   #
-- # Date       :    01.05.1999                                               #
-- ############################################################################
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.useful_functions.all;
ENTITY test_muxers IS
END test_muxers;
ARCHITECTURE rtl OF test_muxers IS
 COMPONENT mux_4_4 is
   generic(N: INTEGER := 4; -- Number of input words
	   W: INTEGER := 1);-- Word Width
      INP: in stdv_2d(N-1 downto 0,W-1 downto 0);
      SEL: in std_ulogic_vector(log2(N)-1 downto 0);
      DOUT: out std_ulogic_vector(W-1 downto 0)
 FOR mux : mux_4_4 USE ENTITY work.muxN_W(rtl);
 CONSTANT N : integer := 4;
 CONSTANT W : integer := 4;
 SIGNAL INP: stdv_2d(N-1 downto 0,W-1 downto 0);
 SIGNAL SEL: std_ulogic_vector(log2(N)-1 downto 0);
 SIGNAL DOUT: std_ulogic_vector(W-1 downto 0);
 mux : mux_4_4
       GENERIC MAP(N => N, 
		   W => W)
       port map( 
	        INP => INP,
                SEL => SEL,
	        DOUT => DOUT);
SEL <="11" AFTER 0150 ns,  
      "10" AFTER 0200 ns,
      "01" AFTER 0250 ns,
      "00" AFTER 0300 ns,   
      "ZZ" AFTER 0350 ns;
INP <= ("0000","1111","0011","1100");
END rtl;