[ label : ] next [ loop _label ] [ when condition ] ;
- function_statement_part
- procedure_statement_part
- process_statement_part
Further definitions
boolean _expression
In both examples the statements following the NEXT -statement are ignored if value = 3 .
In the first example this is achieved by a conditional NEXT -statement, whereas in the second example an unconditional NEXT -statement has been integrated into an IF -loop.
WHILE value > 0 LOOP NEXT WHEN value = 3 ; tab( value ) := value REM 2 ; value := value / 2 ; END LOOP ;
WHILE value > 0 LOOP IF value = 3 THEN NEXT ; END IF ; tab( value ) := value REM 2 ; value := value / 2 ; END LOOP ;
These are two examples of chained FOR -loops which are needed to calculate the values of the elements of a two-dimensional array.
In the first example the succeeding statements for the inner loop are ignored if i = j.
In the second example the process is continued with the next passage of the external loop if i = j .
lbl_1 : FOR i IN 10 DOWNTO 2 LOOP lbl_2 : FOR j IN 0 TO i LOOP NEXT lbl_2 WHEN i = j ; table ( i, j ) := i + j - 7 ; END LOOP lbl_2 ; END LOOP lbl_1 ;
lbl_1 : FOR i IN 10 DOWNTO 2 LOOP lbl_2 : FOR j IN 0 TO i LOOP NEXT lbl_1 WHEN i = j ; table ( i, j ) := i + j - 7 ; END LOOP lbl_2 ; END LOOP lbl_1 ;