Generate statement
generate _label : generation_scheme generate [ { block_declarative_item } begin ] { concurrent_statement } end generate [ generate _label ] ;
- architecture_statement_part
- block_statement_part
Further definitions
for generate _parameter_specification
if condition
- shared _variable_declaration
In VHDL'87 there was no declarative region.
This generate-statement forms a parallel chain out of the two components comp_1 and comp_2 with a length of 5.
lbl_1 : FOR i IN 1 TO 5 GENERATE c1 : comp_1 PORT MAP ( ck => clock, d => a(i), q => a(i+1) ) ; c2 : comp_2 PORT MAP ( ck => clock, d => a(i) ) ; END GENERATE ;
If the generic n is bigger than 0 the signal assignments take effect and the component my_comp is instantiated.
lbl_2 : IF n > 0 GENERATE sig_1 <= '1' AFTER 5 ns ; sig_2 <= sig_1 AFTER 2 ns ; c : my_comp PORT MAP (a, b, c) ; END GENERATE ;
Example of a chained generate-statement.
Within the external statement several components are instantiated irrespective of the counter variable i .
cadd : FOR i IN 1 TO n GENERATE cb : IF i = 1 GENERATE add_b : add_begin PORT MAP ( ... ) ; END GENERATE ; cm : IF i > 1 AND i < n GENERATE add_m : add_middle PORT MAP ( ... ) ; END GENERATE ; ce : IF i = n GENERATE add_e : add_end PORT MAP ( ... ) ; END GENERATE ; END GENERATE cadd ;
Example of the wide range of applications for the generate statement.
In order to make them easier to survey the chained generate-statements at label l2 were duplicated at label l6 with an altered IF -condition.
The generate-statement at label l8 can also be stated within the generate-statement at label l3 .
b : BLOCK BEGIN l1 : cell PORT MAP ( top, bottom, a(0), b(0) ) ; l2 : FOR i IN 1 TO 3 GENERATE l3 : FOR j IN 1 TO 3 GENERATE l4 : IF i + j > 4 GENERATE l5 : cell PORT MAP ( a(i-1), b(j-1), a(i),b(j)); END GENERATE ; END GENERATE ; END GENERATE ; l6 : FOR i IN 1 TO 3 GENERATE l7 : FOR j IN 1 TO 3 GENERATE l8 : IF i + j < 4 GENERATE l9 : cell PORT MAP ( a(i+1), b(j+1), a(i), b(j)); END GENERATE ; END GENERATE ; END GENERATE ; END BLOCK b ;