entity identifier is entity_header entity_declarative_part [ begin entity_statement_part ] end [ entity ] [ entity _simple_name ] ;
Further definitions
[ formal _generic_clause ]
[ formal _port_clause ]
{ entity_statement }
Example of a testbench which possesses neither inputs nor outputs.
ENTITY testbench IS END testbench ;
Entity for a 2-Bit-fulladder.
- X , Y and Cin are Bit type inputs.
- Cout and Sum are Bit type outputs.
ENTITY fulladder IS PORT (X,Y,Cin : IN Bit; Cout, Sum : OUT Bit); END fulladder ;
Entity with several features:
- Definition of a parameter m .
- b1 and b2 are inputs (Bits), b3 is an output-vector with the width m .
- Definition of type byte as a bit-vector.
- Integrating the objects from the package timing_library . Definition and initialisation of a constant setup time.
Definition of procedure init with signal transfer. Seizing of b4 with several `1` is carried out only after delay .
Instructions within the entity:
- If the condition which is to be checked is not fulfilled an error is reported. Error is the severity level.
- A passive procedure (signal assignments in the entity are not allowed!) with b4 and delay as transfer values is called.
ENTITY big_example IS GENERIC (m : Positive); PORT (b1,b2 : IN Bit; b3: OUT Bit_Vector(1 to m)); TYPE byte IS ARRAY (1 TO 8) OF Bit; USE work.timing_library.all; CONSTANT setuptime : Time := 12 ns; PROCEDURE init ( SIGNAL b4 : OUT byte) IS BEGIN b4 <= ( OTHERS => '1') AFTER delay; END init; BEGIN ASSERT b4' DELAYED'STABLE (5 ns) REPORT "Error occured!" SEVERITY Error; passive_procedure(b2,delay); END big_example ;