Disconnection specification
disconnect guarded_signal_specification after time _expression ;
- entity_declarative_part
- architecture_declarative_part
- package
- block_declarative_part
Further definitions
guarded _signal_list : type_mark
- relation { and relation }
- relation { or relation }
- relation { xor relation }
- relation [ nand relation ]
- relation [ nor relation ]
- relation { xnor relation }
a is declared as a guarded signal of the type REGISTER . If during simulation a driver for the signal a is deactivated this happens with a delay of 1ns.
SIGNAL a : resolved_type REGISTER ; DISCONNECT a : resolved_type AFTER 1 ns;
sig1 , sig2 and sig3 are declared as guarded signals of the type REGISTER . During simulation the drivers for sig1 are switched off with a delay of 5 ns and those of the other signals with a delay of 8 ns.
SIGNAL sig1, sig2, sig3 : resolved_bit REGISTER ; DISCONNECT sig1 : resolved_bit AFTER 5 ns ; DISCONNECT OTHERS : resolved_bit AFTER 8 ns ;
bus_a and bus_b are declared as guarded signals of the type bus . During simulation the drivers for both signals are switched off with a delay of 6ns ( delay + 1 ns).
CONSTANT delay : time := 5 ns ; SIGNAL bus_a, bus_b : resolved_zbit_vector32 BUS ; DISCONNECT ALL : resolved_zbit_vector32 AFTER delay + 1 ns ;
In the PACKAGE fourval a four-valued logic mvl4 and a corresponding vector are defined.
The function resolved is declared. Consequently a 'resolved signal' can be derived as a SUBTYPE .
In the PACKAGE BODY the function resolved is described.
- If the input signal choice changes to 1 the signal driver of the first block is activated and passes the first input signal on to the output after 20 ns.
- If choice changes to 2 the second block passes the second input signal on the output after 18ns.
- As the first signal driver switches off only after 25 ns both drivers are active simultaneously for 7ns. The resulting signal is determined by the 'resolution function' of the output signal.
- If choice changes to a value other than 1 or 2 the last active driver switches off after 25 ns and the output signal changes to its default value (in this case 'Z') as it is declared as a bus .
- If it were declared as a REGISTER the last signal value would be kept.
PACKAGE fourval IS TYPE mvl4 IS ('X','0','1','Z') ; TYPE mvl4_vector IS ARRAY (natural RANGE <>) OF mvl4 ; FUNCTION resolved (a: mvl4_vector) RETURN mvl4 ; SUBTYPE mvl4_r IS resolved mvl4 ; END fourval ; PACKAGE BODY fourval IS FUNCTION resolved (a: mvl4_vector) RETURN mvl4 IS VARIABLE result : mvl4 := 'Z' ; -- Defaultwert: 'Z' BEGIN ... RETURN result ; END resolved ; END fourval ; USE work.fourval.ALL ; ENTITY mux_2_1 IS PORT (in_signals : IN mvl4_vector (1 TO 2) ; choice : IN integer ; out_signal : OUT mvl4_r BUS ) ; END mux_2_1 ; ARCHITECTURE with_guards OF mux_2_1 IS DISCONNECT out_signal : mvl4_r AFTER 25 ns ; BEGIN choice_1 : BLOCK (choice = 1) BEGIN out_signal <= GUARDED in_signals(1) AFTER 20 ns ; END BLOCK ; choice_2 : BLOCK (choice = 2) BEGIN out_signal <= GUARDED in_signals(2) AFTER 18 ns ; END BLOCK ; END with_guards ;