Compound types
mt_word is declared as a bit vector of the width 32, with the indices rising from left to right.
TYPE my_word IS ARRAY ( 0 TO 31 ) OF bit ;
data_in is declared as a vector of the type five_level_logic and the width 8, with the indices descending from left to right.
TYPE data_in IS ARRAY ( 7 DOWNTO 0 ) OF five_level_logic
memory is declared as a vector of the type my_word with an arbitrary width (<>). Direction and maximum width is determined by the type integer .
TYPE memory IS ARRAY (integer RANGE <>) OF my_word ;
t is declared as a vector of the type element with the width 1+( max - min ) [type positive] .
TYPE t IS ARRAY (positive RANGE min TO max) OF element;
date is declared as Record which consists of the elements day , month and year .
TYPE date IS RECORD day : integer RANGE 1 TO 31; month : month_name; year : integer RANGE 0 TO 2100; END RECORD ;