Component instantiation
instantiation _label : instantiated_unit [ generic_map_aspect ] [ port_map_aspect ] ;
- architecture_statement_part
- block_statement_part
Further definitions
[ component ] component _name
entity entity _name [ ( architecture _identifier ) ]
configuration configuration _name
generic map ( generic _association_list )
port map ( port _association_list )
In VHDL'87 it was only possible to instantiate components. In VHDL'93 it is allowed to instantiate entities and also configurations.
For an instantiation of a component this component must have been declared before.
For the instantiation of an entity or a configuration these have to be compiled into a library. This library has to be visible when compiling the instantiations.
my_component is integrated into the current architecture without a Port-Map.
c_1 : my_component ;
The component add_n is instantiated with the generic value 8 . In this process the signal s8 is linked to the ports Vss , a8 , b8 , sum and sig is linked to the port cout of the instantiated component.
c : add_n GENERIC MAP (8) PORT MAP ( Vss, a8, b8, sum => s8, cout => sig ) ;
The entity my_entity is directly instantiated. The signals I1 and I2 of my_entity are connected with the local signals S1 and S2.
u_myent: ENTITY work.my_entity(beh) PORT MAP (I1 => S1 , I2 => S2 ) ;
The configuration my_cfg is instantiated. The signals I1 and I2 of the entity linked by the configuration are connected with the local signals S1 and S2.
u_config: CONFIGURATION work.my_cfg PORT MAP (I1 => S1 , I2 => S2 ) ;
When ram_comp is instantiated the generics nb_data and nb_addr are pre-seized. The signals are linked to the ports of ram_comp by name assignment; the port ready is not linked.
the_ram : ram_comp GENERIC MAP ( nb_data => 8, nb_addr => 5 ) PORT MAP ( cs => cs, rw => rw, d => data, a => address, ready => OPEN ) ;
This example is to clarify the interrelationships.
- ← Component-declaration
- ← Component-instantiation with linking of ports
- ← Declaration of the configuration (For comp the architecture y of the entity x is to be used.)
- ← Entity-declaration ( check_timing is a passive procedure!)
- ← Architecture-declaration
COMPONENT comp PORT (a , b : INOUT bit); c : comp PORT MAP ( a => s1, b => s2 ) ; FOR c : comp USE ENTITY x(y) ; PORT MAP ( p1 => a, p2 => b ) ; ... ENTITY x IS PORT ( p1, p2 : INOUT bit ) CONSTANT delay : time := 1 ms ; BEGIN check_timing( p1, p2, 2 * delay ) ; END x ; ARCHITECTURE y OF x IS SIGNAL p3 : bit ; BEGIN p3 <= p1 AFTER delay ; p2 <= p3 AFTER delay ; b : BLOCK ... BEGIN ... END BLOCK ; END y ;
This is the code which is equivalent to that above:
- ← Component block
- ← local ports
- ← Port concatenation
- ← Entity block
- ← formal ports
- ← Port concatenation
- ← Agreement within the entity
- ← Agreement within the architecture
- ← Architecture statements
- ← internal block hierarchy
c : BLOCK PORT ( a, b : INOUT bit ) ; PORT MAP ( a => s1, b => s2 ) ; BEGIN x : BLOCK PORT ( p1, p2 : INOUT bit ) ; PORT MAP ( p1 => a, p2 => b ) ; CONSTANT delay : time := 1 ms ; SIGNAL p3 : bit ; BEGIN check_timing(p1, p2, 2 * delay) ; p3 <= p1 AFTER delay ; p2 <= p3 AFTER delay ; b : BLOCK ... BEGIN ... END BLOCK ; END BLOCK x ; END BLOCK c ;