Component declarations
component identifier [ is ] local _generic_clause ] [ local _port_clause ] end component [ component _simple_name ] ;
- architecture_declarative_part
- package
- block_declarative_part
Further definitions
generic ( generic_list ) ;
port ( port_list ) ;
The component gen_clock is declared whose only interface to the outside is the output clk.
COMPONENT gen_clock PORT ( clk : OUT tri_bit ) ; END COMPONENT ;
The component adder_8_bit declared here has the inputs a , b and cin and the outputs sum and cout .
COMPONENT adder_8_bit PORT (a, b : IN bit_vector(1 TO 8); cin : IN bit ; sum : OUT bit_vector(1 TO 8); cout: OUT bit ) ; END COMPONENT ;
The component adder_n_bit declared here is parameterised via the generic n.
The width of the input vectors a and b and that of the output vector sum is determined by the value of the generic n .
COMPONENT adder_n_bit GENERIC ( n : positive ) ; PORT (a, b : IN bit_vector(1 TO n); cin : IN bit ; sum : OUT bit_vector(1 TO n); cout: OUT bit ) ; END COMPONENT ;