Table of Contents

Shift Operators


The Shift Operators are defined for any one-dimensional arrays with elements of type BIT or BOOLEAN .

The operators are defined as follows, where L is the left operand and R the right operand:


Operator Operation Type of the left operand Type of the right operand result type
sll Shift Left Logical Any one-dimensional array type with elements of the type BIT or BOOLEAN INTEGER Type of the left operand
srl Shift Right Logical Any one-dimensional array type with elements of the type BIT or BOOLEAN INTEGER Type of the left operand
sla Shift Left Arithmetic Any one-dimensional array type with elements of the type BIT or BOOLEAN INTEGER Type of the left operand
sra Shift Right Arithmetic Any one-dimensional array type with elements of the type BIT or BOOLEAN INTEGER Type of the left operand
rol Rotate Left Logical Any one-dimensional array type with elements of the type BIT or BOOLEAN INTEGER Type of the left operand
ror Rotate Right Logical Any one-dimensional array type with elements of the type BIT or BOOLEAN INTEGER Type of the left operand