====== Functions ====== -- ############################################################################ -- # Project : Leonardo CBT-Kernel # -- # # -- # Filename : functions.vhd # -- # # -- # Library : useful_functions # -- # # -- # Designer : S. Theoharis,N. Zervas # -- # Institute : VLSI Design Lab., University of Patras # -- # Date : 01.05.1999 # -- ############################################################################ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.ALL; PACKAGE useful_functions IS FUNCTION log2 (a : INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER; FUNCTION vector_eq_zero (vect : unsigned) RETURN BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Bin2Grey (signal din: in unsigned; signal dout: out unsigned); PROCEDURE Grey2Bin (signal din: in unsigned; signal dout: out unsigned); type stdv_2d is array (natural range <>,natural range <>) of std_ulogic; -- type stdv is array (natural range <>) of unsigned; -- type stdv_2d is array (512) of stdv; END useful_functions; PACKAGE BODY useful_functions IS ------------------- -- FUNCTION log2 -- ------------------- FUNCTION log2 (a : INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS VARIABLE result : INTEGER; BEGIN result := a; IF result=1 THEN RETURN 1; ELSIF result=2 THEN RETURN 1; ELSIF result=4 THEN RETURN 2; ELSIF result=8 THEN RETURN 3; ELSIF result=16 THEN RETURN 4; ELSIF result=32 THEN RETURN 5; ELSIF result=64 THEN RETURN 6; ELSIF result=128 THEN RETURN 7; END IF; END log2; ----------------------------- -- FUNCTION vector_eq_zero -- ----------------------------- FUNCTION vector_eq_zero (vect : unsigned ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS VARIABLE len : integer := vect'LENGTH; VARIABLE vector : unsigned(len-1 downto 0); VARIABLE equal_zero : BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Check zero equality equal_zero := true; for i in len-1 DOWNTO 0 loop if vector(i) /= '0' then equal_zero := false; exit; end if; end loop; RETURN equal_zero; END vector_eq_zero; ------------------------ -- PROCEDURE Bin2Grey -- ------------------------ PROCEDURE Bin2Grey (signal din: in unsigned; signal dout: out unsigned) is -- Both input and output are assumed to be of the same width BEGIN dout(din'high) <= din(din'high); for i in din'low to (din'high - 1) loop dout(i) <= din(i+1) xor din(i); END loop; END Bin2Grey; ------------------------ -- PROCEDURE Grey2Bin -- ------------------------ PROCEDURE Grey2Bin (signal din: in unsigned; signal dout: out unsigned) is -- Both input and output are assumed to be of the same width variable d_int: unsigned (din'range); BEGIN d_int(din'high) := din(din'high); for i in (din'high - 1) downto din'low loop d_int(i) := d_int(i+1) xor din(i); END loop; dout <= d_int; END Grey2Bin; END useful_functions;