
Timing behavior

important for the ASIC Synthesis:

  • Input-Setup-Time TSU
  • Input-Hold-Time TH
  • Output-Delay-Time TOD
  • Wire-Delay-Time (spez. Clock Skew)


Voltage Points


D stable while

  • TSU before the clock edge and
  • TH after the clock edge

that is all nodes in master part become stable values/levels

Block Circuit


Output-Delay-Time: TOD delay at gate output

Problem: gates are faster (in relation to wires)

TOD ↓ but Tskew

Static-Timing-Analysis: checking after layout if the sum of all output-delays and real wire-delay-times results in setup/hold-time violations

port (
    RESET   : in std_ulogic;
   CLK      : in std_ulogic;
   Q        : buffer std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)
process (CLK)
   if CLK'event and CLK='1' then    -- rising clock
    if RESET = '1' then
      Q <= "0000";                  -- synchronous Reset (Setup/Hold Time!!)
      Q <= Q + "0001";              -- count ("sequential state", Next-State-Logic)
    end if;
   end if;
end process;

Chapters of System Design > Synthesis > Master-Slave Flip-Flop