Table of Contents



logical and or nand nor xor xnor not
relational = /= < >= >
shift sll srl sla sra rol ror
arithmetic + - * / mod rem ** abs

sorted on order of increasing precedence (top ⇒ down)

VHDL’93: New operators: xnor, shift operators


The VHDL operators are rather self-explanatory. While relational operators are available for all predefined data types, the logical, shift and arithmetical operators may only be used with bit and numerical values, respectively.

Logical Operators

entity LOGIC_OP is
  port (A, B, C, D : in bit;
        Z1         : out bit;
        EQUAL      : out boolean);
architecture EXAMPLE of LOGIC_OP is
  Z1 <= A and (B or (not C xor D));
  EQUAL <= A xor B;    -- wrong
Brackets must be used to define the order of evaluation


Logical operations with arrays require operands of the same length. The operation is carried out element by element, then. This requirement does not exist for comparison operations with arrays. The arrays are left-aligned prior to comparison instead. Therefore it is recommended to adjust the length of the operands with the help of the concatenation operator.

Logical Operators with Arrays

architecture EXAMPLE of LOGICAL_OP is
  signal A_BUS : bit_vector (3 downto 0);
  signal B_BUS : bit_vector (3 downto 0);
  signal Z_BUS : bit_vector (4 to 7);
  Z_BUS <= A_BUS and B_BUS;

Exercise: Insert Indexes



A_BUS(0) and B_BUS(0) ➔ ist auf Z_BUS(7) geklemmt, usw.

Shift Operators: Examples

VHDL’93: Defined only for one-dimensional arrays of a bit of boolean!
signal A_BUS, B_BUS, Z_BUS : bit_vector (3 downto 0);
Z_BUS <= A_BUS sll 2; -- At the end, the first value of the type is used for filling up
Z_BUS <= B_BUS sra 1;
Z_BUS <= A_BUS ror 3;

Logical shift

Logical shift

Arithmetic shift

Arithmetic shift




Shift and rotation operations on arrays were introduced with the VHDL’93 standard.

Rotation means that none of the element values is lost as the value that is rotated out of the array on one side will be used for the vacant spot on the other side.

This is different from the shift operations where the value is discarded. During so called arithmetic shift operations the vacant spot receives its previous value; in case of logical shift operations the default value of the signal, i.e. the left-most value from the type declaration, will be used.

Relational Operators

architecture EXAMPLE of RELATIONAL_OP is
  signal NR_A, NR_B : integer;
  signal A_EQ_B1, A_EQ_B2 : bit;
  signal A_LT_B           : boolean;
  -- A,B may be of any standard data type
  process (A, B)
    if (A = B) then
      A_EQ_B1 <= '1';
      A_EQ_B1 <= '0';
    end if;
  end process;
  A_EQ_B2 <= A = B;       -- wrong
  A_LT_B <= B <= A;


A_EQ_B2: wrong, since (A=B) is boolean, A_EQ_B2 is bit!

A_LT_B („A larger than B“): ok, since (B less then or equal A) is boolean, A_LT_B also!

Comparison Operations with Arrays

architecture EXAMPLE of COMPARISON is
  signal NIBBLE : bit_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal BYTE   : bit_vector(0 to 7);
  NIBBLE <= "1001";
  BYTE   <= "00001111";
  COMPARE : process (NIBBLE, BYTE)
    if (NIBBLE < BYTE) then
      -- e.g. evaluated as:
      -- if (NIBBLE(3) < BYTE(0))  or
      --   ((NIBBLE(3) = BYTE(0))  and
      --    (NIBBLE(2) < BYTE(1))) or
      --   ((NIBBLE(3) = BYTE(0))  and
      --    (NIBBLE(2) = BYTE(1))  and
      --    (NIBBLE(1) < BYTE(2))) or
      -- better:
      if (("0000"&NIBBLE) <= BYTE)
  end process COMPARE;
Adjust the length of arrays prior to comparison!
Stops at first position evaluated TRUE


When comparing array types it must be considerd that the comparison is carried out from the left side to the right. That means for arrays of varying length that “111” is greater than “1001”, for example. If it is not desired, hence shall be compared right-aligned, then the arrays will have to be brought upon the equal length by hand, e.g. by means of concatenation: '0'&“111” is then smaller than “1001”.

Arithmetic Operators

  signal A, B, C : integer;
  signal RESULT : integer;
  RESULT <= -A + B * C; -- unary operator ’-’ before A


Please note, that two operations to calculate the remainder of an integer division are defined.

The modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another.

The sign of the result of ’rem’ and ’mod’ operations is equal to the sign of the first and second operand, respectively.

Unary operations have only one operand


signal BOOL:                   boolean;
signal A_INT, B_INT, Z_INT:    integer range 0 to 15;
signal Z_BIT:                  bit;
signal A_VEC, B_VEC, Z_VEC:    bit_vector (3 downto 0);
signal A_VEC2, B_VEC2, Z_VEC2: bit_vector (7 downto 0);
Which operator can be used on the bit_vector type?
Arrays are compared ...
The array elements are assigned ...
Operations on arrays are done ...
Which instructions represent correct VHDL with the above definitions?
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