Table of Contents

Data Types


entity FULLADDER is
  port(A, B, CARRY_IN : in bit;
       SUM, CARRY     : out bit);
architecture MIX of FULLADDER is
  component HALFADDER
    port(A, B       : in bit;
         SUM, CARRY : out bit);
  signal W_SUM, W_CARRY1, W_CARRY2 : bit;
    port map(A, B, W_SUM, W_CARRY1);
    port map(CARRY_IN, W_SUM,
             SUM, W_CARRY2);
end MIX;


In VHDL, signals must have a data type associated with them that limits the number of possible values. This type has to be fixed when the signal is declared, either as entity port or an internal architecture signal, and can not be changed during runtime. Whenever signal values are updated, the data types on both sides of the assignment operator ’⇐’ have to match.

Standard Data Types

package STANDARD is 
   type BOOLEAN is (FALSE,TRUE); 
   type BIT is (0‘,‘1); 
   type CHARACTER is (-- ascii set); 
   type INTEGER is range 
        -- implementation_defined 
   type REAL is range 
        -- implementation_defined 

Standard Data Types

VHDL’93: New types added to the ‘‘standard‘‘ package, e.g. umlauts


A number of data types are already defined in the standard package which is always implicitly referenced.

boolean’ is usually used to control the flow of the VHDL execution while ‘bit’ uses level values (’0’, ’1’) instead of truth values (’false’, ’true’) and is therefore better suited to model wires. Number values can be communicated via signals of type ’integer’ or ’real’.

The actual range and accuracy depends on the platform implementation and only lower bounds are defined, e.g. integers are guaranteed to be at least 32 bits wide. Floating point operations can not be synthesized automatically, yet, i.e. the use of ’real’ data types is restricted to testbench applications.

The same applies to ’character’ and ’time’.

Real types are not synthesizeable:

  • You have to decide how many bits will be used for the digits pre and after the decimal point!
  • you have to use synthesizeable division algorithms to calculate them

Data type ‘time’

architecture EXAMPLE of TIME_TYPE is
  signal CLK : bit :=0;
  constant PERIOD : time := 50 ns;begin
    wait for 50 ns;
    wait for PERIOD;
    wait for 5 * PERIOD;
    wait for PERIOD * 5.5;
  end process;
  -- concurrent signal assignment
  CLK <= not CLK after 0.025 us;
  -- or with constant time
  -- CLK <= not CLK after PERIOD/2;


time’ is a special data type as it consists out of a numerical value and a physical unit.

It is used to delay the execution of statements for a certain amount of time, e.g. in testbenches or to model gate and propagation delays. Signals of data type ’time’ can be multiplied or divided by ’integer’ and ’real’ values. The result of these operations remains of data type ’time’.

The internal resolution of VHDL simulators is set to femto-seconds (fs).

Definition of Arrays

Signal A_BUS, Z_BUS : bit_vector (3 downto 0);

Definition of Arrays


Arrays are useful to group signals of the same type and meaning.

Two unconstrained array data types, i.e. whose range is not limited, are predefined in VHDL:

  • bit_vector’ and ’string’ are arrays of ’bit’ and ’character’ values, respectively.

Please note that the array boundaries have to be fixed during signal declarations, e.g. ’bit_vector(3 downto 0)’.

Only constrained arrays may be used as entity ports or architecture signals.

‘integer’ and ‘bit’ Types

architecture EXAMPLE_1 of DATATYPES
  signal SEL :  bit;
  signal A, B, Z :
          integer range 0 to 3;

  A <= 2;
  B <= 3;
    if SEL =1then
      Z <= A;
      Z <= B;
    end if;
  end process;end EXAMPLE_1;
architecture EXAMPLE_2 of DATATYPES
  signal SEL : bit;
  signal A, B, Z :
          bit_vector(1 downto 0);

    A <= "10";
    B <= "11";
       if SEL =1then
          Z <= A;
          Z <= B;
       end if;
    end process;
end EXAMPLE_2;


Integer signals will be mapped to a number of wires during synthesis.

These wires could be modelled via bit vectors as well, yet ’bit_vector’ signals do not have a numerical interpretation associated with them.

Therefore the synthesis result for the two example architectures would be the same. The process models a simple multiplexer which selects the input A as source for its output Z when the select signal SEL is ’1’ and the input B otherwise.

Please note that the multiplexer process is exactly the same for both data types!

Assignments with Array Types

architecture EXAMPLE of ARRAYS is
  signal Z_BUS : bit_vector (3 downto 0);
  signal C_BUS : bit_vector (0 to 3);
  Z_BUS <= C_BUS;
Elements are assigned according to their position, not their number
The direction of arrays should always be defined the same way


Special care is necessary when signal assignments with arrays are carried out.

Although the data type and the width of the signals have to match, this is not true for the order of the array elements.

The values are assigned according to their position within the array, not according to their index.

Therefore it is highly recommended to use only one direction (usually ’downto’ in hardware applications) throughout your designs.

Bit String Literals

architecture EXAMPLE of ASSIGNMENT is
  signal Z_BUS : bit_vector (3 downto 0);
  signal BIG_BUS :bit_vector (15 downto 0);
  -- legal assignments:
  Z_BUS(3)   <= '1';
  Z_BUS      <= "1100";
  Z_BUS      <= b"1100";
  Z_BUS      <= x"c";
  Z_BUS      <= X"C";
  BIG_BUS    <= B"0000_0001_0010_0011";
Different specification of single bits an bit vectors
VHDL’93: Valid assignments for the data type ‘bit’ are also valid for all character arrays, e.g. ‘std_(u)logic_vector


The specification of signal values is different for the base types ’character’ and ’bit’ and their corresponding array types ’string’ and ’bit_vector’. Single values are always enclosed in single quotation marks (’), while double quotation marks (“) are used to specify array values.

As bit vectors are often used to represent numerical values, VHDL offers several possibilities to increase the readability of bit vector assignments.

First, a base for the following number may be specified. Per default binary data consisting of ’0’s and ’1’s is assumed. Please note that the values have to enclosed in double quotation marks even though only a single symbol might be necessary when another base is used! Additionally, underscores (_) may be inserted at will to split long chains of numbers into smaller groups in order to improve readability.

Since VHDL’93, the same rules apply to the enhanced bit vector types ’std_(u)logic_vector’, which will be discussed later on, as well.


Concatenation operator: &

architecture EXAMPLE_1 of CONCATENATION is
  signal BYTE : bit_vector (7 downto 0);
  signal A_BUS, B_BUS :bit_vector (3 downto 0);
  BYTE   <= A_BUS & B_BUS;
end EXAMPLE_1;

Resulting signal assignment:

architecture EXAMPLE_2 of CONCATENATION is
  signal Z_BUS : bit_vector (3 downto 0);
  signal A_BIT, B_BIT, C_BIT, D_BIT :bit;
  Z_BUS   <= A_BIT & B_BIT & C_BIT & D_BIT;
end EXAMPLE_2;

Resulting signal assignment:

The Concatenation operator ‘&’ is allowed on the right side of the signal assignment operator ‘⇐’ , only


As signal assignments require matching data types on both sides of the operator it is sometimes necessary to assemble an array in the VHDL code.

The concatenation operator ’&’ groups together the elements on its sides which have to be of the same data type, only.

Again, the array indices are ignored and only the position of the elements within the arrays is used. The concatenation operator may be used on the right side of signal assignments, only!


architecture EXAMPLE of AGGREGATES is
  signal BYTE         : bit_vector (7 downto 0);
  signal Z_BUS        : bit_vector (3 downto 0);
  signal A_BIT, B_BIT : bit;
  signal C_BIT, D_BIT : bit;
  Z_BUS <= (A_BIT, B_BIT, C_BIT, D_BIT);
  (A_BIT, B_BIT, C_BIT, D_BIT) <= bit_vector'("1011");
  (A_BIT, B_BIT, C_BIT, D_BIT) <= BYTE(3 downto 0);
  BYTE <= (7 => '1', 5 downto 1 => '1', 6 => B_BIT,
           others => '0');
Some aggregate constructs may not be supported by your synthesis tool
Assignment of ‘0’ to all bits of a vector regardless of the width: VECTOR ⇐ (others⇒ ‘0’);


Another way of assigning signals which does not suffer from this limitation is via the aggregate construct.

Here, the signals that are to build the final array are enclosed in a ’(’ ’)’ pair and separated by ’,’.

Instead of a simple concatenation, it is also possible to address the array elements explicitly by their corresponding index, as shown in the last signal assignment statement of the aggregate example.

The keyword ’others’ may be used to select those indices that have not been addressed, yet.

Slices of Array

architecture EXAMPLE of SLICES is
  signal BYTE  : bit_vector (7 downto 0);
  signal A_BUS : bit_vector (3 downto 0);
  signal Z_BUS : bit_vector (3 downto 0);
  signal A_BIT : bit;
  BYTE (5 downto 2) <= A_BUS;
  BYTE (5 downto 0) <= A_BUS;      -- wrong
  Z_BUS (1 downto 0) <=0& A_BIT;
  Z_BUS <= BYTE (6 downto 3);
  Z_BUS (0 to 1) <=0& A_BIT;   -- wrong
  A_BIT   <= A_BUS (0);
Arrays: Size must match on both sides of an assignment
The direction of the ‘slice” and of the array must match


The inverse operation of concatenation and aggregation is the selection of slices of arrays, i.e. only a part of an array is to be used.

The range of the desired array slice is specified in brackets and must match the range declaration of the signal!

Of course, it is possible to select only single array elements.