Table of Contents


Integrated Circuit

integrated circuit = combinational logic + storage elements

Master-Slave flip-flop

Example Moore Automaton

Example Moore Automaton

output vector is a function of state vector: Y = f(S)

the state vector is coded binary:

subtype STATE is bit_vector (1 downto 0);
constant START    : STATE  := “00” ;
constant MIDDLE   : STATE  := “01” ;
constant STOP     : STATE  :=10;

State Chart

i.A. is: Number of “FF”: ENTIER(log2 states)

#States == 2 #FF



base 2 logarithm

2 power FF (number of ff)

log2(n) = ln(n)/ln(2) = log(n)/log(2)

#States: 72

log2(72) = ln(72)/ln(2) = 6,1 ⇒ 7 FF

27= 128 !!!!! that means :: 56 states that are not allowed, or must be additionally handled!!